I love when the internet cuts off in the middle of a 50GB upload that was 90% done.. 😥

  • 2
    Use xdm or idm for downloading big files. You can restore the download even when the internet gets cut off
  • 3
    Torrent with private tracker?
  • 1
    Oh man I remember the days on dial up using a download manager! This was an issue ALL THE TIME. Much smaller files though!
  • 2
    @DavidKevork @Sarcaxxo @shiv379 It was much worse than download (because I have 120 down but only 5 up..), I was syncing 50GB worth of backup (uploading) to the archive and it somehow corrupted the file on the server when the internet started to turn on and off every second. Thanks to everyone who ++d this, made it a lot more bearable. 😄
  • 0
    @matsaki95 I remember having that last year, thankfully I was at that second working on my laptop and just wondered why all the lights went off.
  • 0
    Check out Syncthing
  • 3
    Well, techinally speaking, 90% is not the middle...
  • 3
    I'll show myself out.
  • 0
    @DutulescuRemus It's alright, have a ++, since I thought the same after re-reading it yesterday
  • 1
    @DutulescuRemus Get yourself that one missing ++ to get the avatar by the way 😉
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