
Coding has changed the way I think. Everywhere I go, I think of algorithms and efficiency.

When I'm in elevator, I think about what algorithm is running in the background.

When I'm at red light, I think about the algorithm that traffic lights are running.

I notice bugs in websites and apps and try to figure out what the dev might have done.

I find problems in UI design and get annoyed.

I spend more time coding a solution to a problem rather than directly solving the problem. I get a kick out of it.

When I see something uses more resources than necessary, it seriously pisses me off.

Coding has taught me to think and has positively changed the way I live.

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    Welcome to a life of bitterness towards the inferior inefficient humans. I live that life and spend most of my time annoyed, pissed and sad. But the joy of seeing something well done, or doing something yourself is nice.

    I understand, but try to be understanding also.
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