
Been looking for a part time game dev job to pass the time during summer break, got a reply from a guy.

This part came up some time in the middle of our conversation:

Me: So, do you have a version control system in place?

Him: Excuse me, a what?

Me: A Version control system, like Git.

Him: Ow, what's that?

Me: It is a way to host projects in a more productive way for two or more people. It allows us to share our work more easily and work on the same file without overwriting and losing data.

Him: Ow, like Dropbox?

He was developing the game solo thus far and no idea such thing existed.

  • 3
    @theScientist ow, yeah, absolutely, but he hasn't gotten back on me since that, and by the looks of it I will really need a job this summer.
  • 4
    @theScientist I just explained how it works man :/
  • 2
    I used Dropbox for years for my source control. Has rollback, available on all my machines, backup if my machine dies...
  • 1
    Version control? You mean code1, code2, code_final, code_final2?
  • 0
    What was the employer's discipline? Gamedev isn't full of programmers and producers. If he was an artist his ignorance is perfectly ok.
  • 0
    @longshorts From what I understand, programming
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