I quit my job at a startup because the business guys did not respect my advices in business strategy.

just saw the job post for my position where they write:
"experience with MySQL databases (for example redis and git)"

Now I know that I was wrong. These guys seems to have informations that I do not have 😎

  • 6
    Would you appreciate their advice on Dev matters? I wouldn’t imagine so.

    So what makes you think they should listen to you on business matters.

    Honestly, I am a Dev and I love devs but SO MANY devs think they know everything about everything and they everything should be done how they would do it.
  • 2
    @SSDD I agree with you.

    Some very brilliant devs are also inherently lazy. Maybe they always managed to beat problems with their smartness easily in life.

    So a brilliant but lazy dev will insist that some feature can't be implemented. In reality it can but its just painfully hard. So he doesn't wanna be the one to go through that pain to build it. That much I understand

    However, that feature might be the core of the whole business and the other features don't matter at all if you don't make this work first.
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