I hate dealing with very deep JSONs!

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    I’m handling this JSON so deep the indentation is already half of my MacBook Pro’s screen
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    Had this once where I got some SQL data back in json format and it took me way too fucking many hours to realize that I'd been using one instead of two indexes (converted to an array) which fucked up my program! Only two deep but still mother of god. Annoying as fuck, yes!
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    Ohh, you would hate my code so much.

    One of the most deeply-nested vars I can think of right off is: $scope.panes['installs'].entries[].metadata.validation.version.malformed

    I like nesting obkects this deeply ecause everything is very specific and obvious that way. Parsing json isn't difficult, so the downside of this approach is very minimal.
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    @Ashkin I’m working on a similar API just like that. It’s challenging but sometimes frustrating
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