
I started getting more into the product management side of the business lately, which involved being invited to what feels like 80 meetings per week.

My schedule today consisted of 5:30 of meetings, three of which were a single API design kickoff…

I’m starting to get why people are so damn mad at meetings all the time. Should’ve been a fucking email chain

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    Most probably, there's some kind of tech lead, or similar. And it should be his decision, and his decision only, not some sort of "democratic" Frankenstein's monster.
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    @CoreFusionX oh there was one. but we had two senior devs from different departments, another PM, and the actual tech lead in the meeting

    Lots of “but we should also consider X“ heh… I think we got through 5 endpoints in the end. It’s gonna be a monster regardless 🥲
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    Well, the problem with that is that your lead should decide *and* shoulder the burden of responsibility.

    I wouldn't let "senior" cunts from other teams double guess me.

    If they have valuable advice, share it with me privately, but in the end it's my decision, and mine only.
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