
A friend of mine got an account hacked on Crunchyroll. Whenever he tried to login, the website told him that no account with his email existed. As I had two accounts, I tried something real quick. I logged in to the account I'm not using and tried to change the email address to a 10 minute mail. I logged into my own email account patiently waiting for a confirmation email. After 10 minutes I still hadn't received it. So I checked the 10 minute mail, and there it was. I can't describe how furious I got with Crunchyroll at that point. Are you for real? It's that easy? Fucking idiots. I hope the guy responsible for that system dies in a fire with a thousand rubber penises up his ass!

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    Which provider do you use for 10 minutes emails?
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    @Priestoflol That's beside the point. But: https://10minutemail.com
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    mmmmh crunchy rolls...
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    @dzil123 No clue. And yes, there is.
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    What you expected? People change email because they lost access to the previous one... Sending confirmation to the old mail is like knocking on brick walls.
    I do agree though that a TFA would have been nice though... SMS with confirmation code or something of the likes.
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    @nocgod Are you kidding me? It should never be that easy to change email. NEVER! Most sites I know, you have to contact support and prove that you own the account before you can even change it.
    So, if you've lost access to your email, you still have an option
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    @aaxa as I said - I would expect some form of TFA but not to the previous email account
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