  • 6
    No you need to explain a lot
  • 1
    @abhiksark ay, teach me sir. Do you really like Vim?

    I heard that there are people using it like an IDE but How?!

    I can't even use it as a normal text editor..
  • 3
    Actually, yes, you do have to explain why. Bashing tech without any slight reason to it is void.
  • 4
    First off, just type "vimtutor" into your console and learn.
    You could have easily found that out by using google.
    Secondly, there is a huge range of customizability with your ".vimrc" .
    You need to get the plugins and additions to your vim until you have the tool that fits your needs.
    Thirdly, there are versions that make vim usage more friendly and easier to customize, like nvim.

    Vim IS a program that takes time and patience to learn, and willingness to learn. You can not expect a tool that is so raw, that you can use it in the most raw of environments, to simply work for you at first glance.
  • 0
    I get why you didnt want to explain why XD
  • 2
    @japsel you mean because I'm too stupid or why? ^^
  • 1
    Insulting vim without even trying to learn it? 😡
    You've earned some ire this day.
  • 0
    @Ashkin to be honest I already said that I find Vim is unhandy. Why should I use an editor which costs me more time to set up and learn when I can use a more intuitive and easier editor..
  • 1
    @GamerFac3 If all you want is a simple text editor, use nano. If you want something much more useful and powerful, learn vim or emacs.
  • 0
    @Ashkin you don't get what I want to say. Everyone should use what fits their needs. As I said I'm using PhpStorm because it does its job (for me) like Vim does its job for you guys. I'm just complaining that in first use Vim is too much work and too much effort for the most to use it effectively.
  • 2
    wk60: "Worst dev technology you've used and why"

    You're saying vim is terrible; it is not. You just happen to be terrible at it. There's a very large difference between the two, and asserting they're the same is just ignorant.

    But yes, you should absolutely use whichever tools work best for you. (Just don't badmouth the rest!)
  • 2
    @GamerFac3 that's kind of a wrong approach to tools, in this case Vim.

    You don't go and try to play a violin or trumpet and decide that the instrument is trash when it doesn't sound good first try.

    You also wouldn't try to play a piano and decide that it's a better instrument, since you can't really mess up the sound.

    Just like that you can't just take Vim as a tool and judge it's usefulness without having the proper education / experience.
  • 1
    @GamerFac3 Not saying youre stupid but you also didnt have a good answer hehe
  • 3
    @GamerFac3 I dont even use VIM but I know people that are extremely productive due trough VIM.
  • 5
    Your ability with a tool != quality of tool
    Intuitive tool != good tool
    Unintuitive tool != bad tool

    As @R5on11c pointed out, a violin isn't shit because you don't know how to play it.
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