  • 4
    @demiko go with the java! They have so many tutorials!
    Unless you want to read the full documentation you can go with kotlin! (My opinion).
  • 2
    @elonmusk I like how you say "the java" also, when is my model 3 getting delivered?
  • 3
    @perfectdark hehe! You need to wait for Christmas!
  • 0
    @demiko Go for Java at this time. Especially if you aren't familiar with any of them.
  • 2
    Kotlin is pretty cool actually. Me and my friends have been working on this Contact share app (still in development), and we've almost exclusively used Kotlin. It's been much more fun than Java (no pun intended) 🤣
    The only problem I have so far is that creating singletons in Retrofit-like interface classes is a pain in the ass.
  • 3
    Been coding Java on Android for 3 years. Hated the syntax of Kotlin before trying it, decided to go all in for a project. All future development will be Kotlin for me, half the code and soooo many utilities, it's beautiful. Don't think it's smart to start with Kotlin, as Java is the foundation it's all built on, but certainly use it when you get comfortable.
  • 1
    Start with java. Then you will understand why people like Kotlin and what problems does it solve.
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