Forgot a keepass password.
Brute force script to find the password.
It worked.

  • 2
    how long did it take?
  • 4
    @joewilliams007 5 minutes
  • 1
    Cool, but why didn't you exit after good result? Now you had to grep logs hoping he cracked it. 5 minutes is not bad since he had to open that program for thousands of times
  • 5
    @retoor Now i know the response if the password is right: it starts with OK.

    Next time I will optimize the code.

    Next time I will not forgot the password.
  • 0
    I see your password pattern here 😘
    Code can be simplified with another foreach loop and a single call or embedding of the open archive function in the loop body. A function that generates the combinations e.g. combos(string word, int num, string special): array
    Makes the inner foreach nice and clean.
    Exit codes are a good indicator of success (or failure).

    If course that is all over engineering is you just need the damn password as soon as possible without you doing the repetitive task. So good job!
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