Using Ubuntu atm. Use Mac a bit. Why Mac so hard to use and so expensive for that hardware capability.

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    Macs are shit but the os itself is the best I have used and use.
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    @just-basic-user which part of os is good?
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    Mac- Average product with a luxury price.
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    Bought a mac book pro 7 years ago for 999$ - best machine I ever owned in terms of usage per $. Updated the ram and got a SSD for it so now it still runs decent (as good as core2duo can).

    I love that my employer is offering me a mac book pro for work - just would not buy me a personal one of the price development during the last years.
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    @just-basic-user As far as laptops go, I like the hardware, but hate the os.

    If something like a key binding, the position of a menu or the color of an element annoys me I want to be able to change it.
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    @bittersweet At least Karabiner-Elements should be able to solve any of your keybind needs
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    @bittersweet At least Karabiner-Elements should be able to solve any of your keybinding needs
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    @SpectralKH I used that, but found rEFInd + Linux Mint to be a better solution 😁
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    @bittersweet It sucked a bit in the past, but right now, I like it. Decent feature-set and configuration, especially liking my caps lock-> hyper/mission control
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    Saw this https://devrant.io/rants/718408/.... Mac is good for apple Dev. Windows is good for .net. linux is good for everything else.
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