  • 12
    @No-one dont know how vs is so annoying and vs code is one of the best editors out there
  • 2
    @No-one have to disagree but not deny, visual studio is one of the best I used, last one I tried was VS 2015 don't know about 2017
    Worst one was VS 2008
  • 2
    @No-one ya xamarin on it sucks, but don't know about the rest. Though let's assume VS sucks, I wish xcode sucks as VS does 😂
    But xcode is just bad
  • 0
    @TRIGGERED too bad it is out at the time I switched to web and mobile lol
    Thanks for the heads up 😀
  • 0

    I had to install Windows on a bigger SSD because it kept filling the old one up with temporary files.

    I also had to upgrade to 16GB of RAM, because the zombie processes it leaves behind, along with the Unreal Engine editor, would max out my old 8.

    All this for a glorified text editor. And it's still slow.
  • 1
    @0xc0c0a never had any problems like that 0.o
    And I like it for being a better text editor
  • 0
    @dontbeevil Hidden in 500 submenus.

    And, good luck getting Intellisense to work on a code-base as large as Unreal--it takes at least a minute for it to even highlight syntax, let alone autocomplete any statement--you need to install middleware that costs money for that, which is absurd.

    It's a philosophical thing, but, to me, it's a text editor, and Vim+an autocompletion plugin+a build system works 1000x better, every time I've used it.
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