Bitbucket vs github vs ?? and why?

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    It's even funnier out of context @Letmecode

    I've never used bitbucket. Biggest difference I know of is private repo availability.
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    @chadd17 it absolutely is!!
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    Gitlab as an open source alternative...
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    @jaltek is it better? Or what's it's advantages?
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    @MasterSwagMan The biggest advantage is, that you could host the gitlab instance on your own (decentralized). Depends on your needs. If your looking for contributors and a large "community", then is Github the place IMHO.
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    @Letmecode it was simply too good to not borrow
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    Github if you want any sort of actual reliability
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    @ScribeOfGoD are atlassian unreliable or smt?

    I often use both github and bitbucket and I personally prefer bitbucket
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    Depends on your team and company, bitbucket, their billing is also different, github is repo based, bitbucket user based
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    I've been using BitBucket for years because it's free for private repos and I'm making money from my code and it's crap so I don't want anyone seeing it. I've never had a problem with them and they're constantly improving their features.

    Plus you can use the git engine in either BB or GH. Entirely up to you what you're after.
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    Gitlab anyone? Even has built in CI
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    Both, Bitbucket because it's free, github because it's github
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    Bitbucket cuz private reps are free
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    Gitlab it is for me!
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    We are using Jira and Bitbucket at work, as along time user of GitHub, Microsoft Team Services, and few months on Gitlab I can say for private repos either Microsoft or GitHub, bitbucket is cool as free but don't like had it frozen several times cuz their devs were updating 😒
    Gitlab is just also nice for a local Host. As for why Microsoft, as a single dev their free package is just enough for ticketing, sprints, auto builds and auto releases.
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    GitHub, mostly because its usability and the huge community behind it.
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