Man, I'm sure there are a million of these posts right now but...

The hiring market and hiring culture nowadays is so damn frustrating. I have a decade of experience in multiple senior/lead/principal roles at both big name companies and high-growth startups, along with a very well-written resume.

Even with this, I can barely get an interview these days. I'll apply to a role that lists qualifications for which I'm an exact fit, and either get a quick auto-denial or just never hear back at all. It doesn't matter if I custom-craft my resume and cover letter to match the job description or just send my standard resume and cover letter. We all love those pandering and patronizing "We know that this isn't the news you wanted to hear, but keep trying! Maybe you'll be good enough for us someday!" auto-denial email.

Sometimes I'll receive a denial, look back at the job posting, that they needed somebody with NLP experience or something, and say to myself "Fair enough, that makes sense." Other times, I'll look at the posting and say "Oh come on, I check every single box." It makes you wonder "What the fuck are you actually truly looking for?"

Sometimes I'll look at the company's current employees and see that almost every single one is ex-FAANG, indicating that the company will almost only hire other ex-FAANG employees (despite there being thousands of other well-qualified candidates out there who are just as talented and skilled as those ex-FAANG candidates.)

Other companies seem to be "brand shopping" for ex-FAANG employees after all the recent FAANG layoffs, hoping to land a bargain on an ex-Google engineer so they can brag that their product was built by the same people who built Google.

Then there's the question of even making it past the ATS and in front of an actual human's eyes. The hiring culture seems to be an ATS SEO game nowadays. God forbid that you didn't include the super secret magic keyword in your resume, else you'll automatically be filtered out and denied.

It's just incredibly frustrating and makes you wonder what kind of candidate you need to be to even get a first round interview nowadays. Do we all need to have a glowing personal recommendation from the ghost of Steve Jobs in order for a 50-person startup to even open our resumes?

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    I read the first 2 lines and hit the ++ button.

    Massive agree, I got 6 years of non-FAANG and recently I gave it my all to change jobs. I only tried for 4 days and applied to like 30 jobs but didn't receive any callbacks.

    I took back my resignation because of this.

    But having said this, I haven't stopped applying though.
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    @Sid2006 Preach. I feel like if I were to take one of my principal roles on my resume with its carefully-crafted job description, and replace it with a 6-month stint as an Associate Software Engineer at Google with absolutely no job description listed, then I'd get exponentially more callbacks.
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    Companies that are not hiring are posting jobs to gauge demand for roles. This they use to determine if they can pay less for roles more people want.
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    I’ve applied to so many jobs for which I’m apparently a perfect fit. I check all the boxes and a good deal more, and I have some minority points (female dev) too. And I still get ghosted or denied.

    I think what @Demolishun said (or something similar) is true: they’re not actually hiring, they’re just using applicants as a test for something, as a way to virtue signal in some way, or to trick investors into thinking the company is constantly growing.

    Why must people be dishonest?
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    @Root my conspiracy side says this is to help prop up a cancerous administration. These companies spend big bucks to get these retards in office. Fudging numbers to support these same retards is not out of the realm of possibilities.
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    @Root Sometimes companies already have a candidate pegged for a role, but legally they have to open the role up to other candidates as well. So they'll post the job, let their choice candidate apply, and then either immediately remove the role or just deny/ghost all other applicants.

    But I don't see this happening so much that it's a majority reason.
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