Coworker during standup this morning: yeah i couldn't work saturday on the project because of VPN problems but i'll stay longer today.

Scrum master goes home.

Coworker, literally 8:10 hours later. Goes home.

He bugfixed another project for an hour and told me i had to work on this project instead of helping another client.

Meanwhile he's bragging about all the experience he has and telling he wants to be the lead dev.

I thought he started early but nope. First drank coffee for another 15 minutes.

  • 2
    I don't get it. Should you work on saturdays then?
  • 2
    @Froot no, this guy think he does. I personally can't because i have a Mac at home. Perfect excuse.

    Current project we're on just had a batshit crazy deadline. Right from the start.
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