Aww Adobe😝

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    Meanwhile, the cricket's song (chirp?) fill the uncomfortable silence between the world and Adobe...
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    Adobe's support sucks. It's no surprise no one cares
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    Apple killed flash.
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    Nobody cares because we all ditched it years ago. Adobe seems to have only caught on now...
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    Thank god Flash is over. That was cool at the time essentially for games ans crazy creative webdesigns. But we're really better with JS.
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    @Masta You think JS is good? Have you ever tried to execute
    ["10", "10", "10", "10"].map(parseInt); ?
    There are tons of examples like this... JS should be killed with fire !
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    Well... https://github.com/pakastin/... , some might disagree. A petition to open source flash.
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    @wil222 I looked into your example and found out it comes from the fact that .map passes 3 args elem, index, and the array to the function it applies and parseInt accepts up to 2 args the str to parse and the base in which it is written which causes it to return [10, NaN, 2, 3) so it's actually working as designed
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    @Hallelouia i know but you have you guessed that by reading the code? The type handling of JS is really messed up. This was just a small example illustrating that it is a bad language.
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    @wil222 I sure had to go read the doc but it's there for a reason, using functions not knowing how they work is not the best idea but i do it too and am also frustrated when shit don't work as I expect it to.
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    Sooooo goood
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    World: At last!
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    Meanwhile in Apple HQ... should we wait this long for apple maps as well?
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    Now… how do we do this for Java?
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    @Jop- you are so naive... Had some financial crap using a Java applet for file upload and also a KVM/virtual terminal thingy that is a Java applet (wonder if rackspace still uses it, we no longer use rackspace)
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