
Fucking windows automatic reboots! They seriously need to fuck off with that. As of this morning I have a finance person who can't log on, a floor manager that can't schedule his employees and a robotics controller pc that rebooted and didn't save the changes I made! Seriously, FUCK OFF!

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    Maybe some group policies are not set correctly...

    Here the reboot is always disabled.
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    That helps. But the point remains that it's not cool to reboot someone else's computer without asking them. In fact - no one should be doing anything without the user's knowledge / permission.

    Disclosure: I'm a hard-core Linux user - I use exclusively Linux for work, personal and entertainment. I still need to support it for my users and certain applications that require it.
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    have the same issue with the work pc, and i hate it.

    Its not really as much as saving stuff, but more like reopening all the software i had running, which is super annoying. Windows also makes that worse by trying to open up some stuff, but ultimately failing at it.

    For that exact reason i try to inteact with that OS as much as possible. So much so, that im running Linux VMs that run the projects.
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    Edit: Also add to the list - 1 remote developer that can't login via VPN.
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    This is what updates should look like IMO...
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    @Nanos are you running home or pro? If home upgrade to pro and enjoy forcing policy on your own computer.
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    @Nanos I have policy set on my computer to only update when I choose. It also is set to never update drivers.

    "Configure Automatic Updates" - Disabled

    "Do not include drivers with Windows Updates" - Enabled

    When I finally update I am usually months behind. Maybe the uptime on these computers is not enough for it to update on me.
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    It really is a fucking cancer, the kind that made me buy a second laptop for work and have the Windows laptop only for gaming.

    My pet conspiracy theory is that it's made so you can't run any servers on it, so you have to buy a Windows Server license if you want to run some kind of uninterrupted service.
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    @ostream i will be playing my games with fully compatible drivers any time of day. And you are allowed to use both, newsflash!
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    @ostream Are you using linux ? Because Apple is for me even worse than Microsoft. (Yet they are also becoming more like that... forcing upgrades and stuff.)
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    @ostream I wish I had the courage to switch to Linux too...

    I have to much stuff that only works on windows :'(
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    @Nanos I'm not sure about Windows emulation other than e.g. Wine and Proton to run Windows games (not emulation, it implements the APIs Windows games use or something like that), supposedly a lot of games work really well on Linux; Steam Deck and its "Steam OS" are a Linux thing after all, if I recall correctly

    But as far as a dev PC, I'm pretty fine with my used ThinkPad T480 running Ubuntu 22.04, it has integrated graphics so no problems with GPU drivers, I just need more RAM, I currently have only 16 GB but want to upgrade to 64 GB and an NVMe SSD, if I'm not mistaken there's an extra port for that in my T480

    However, if you're not sick of the forced Windows updates, Windows can do just fine using WSL if you're a web developer who just needs a proper *nix environment

    The T480 also beats my gaming laptop in portability, which I started to appreciate after using a MacBook M1, my gaming laptop is heavy, noisy, and has terrible battery life, it feels like a "mobile desktop"
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    @Grumm you can keep using it on linux.
    I was worried about that too, and just found that you can run most stuff via PlayOnLinux, Lutris and Steam (Proton) directly. Even software like FL Studio (+ midi hardwate) and Virtual Dj + ASIO

    I switched probably more than 5 years ago. Softwarewise there's nothing stopping you but yourself.

    I remember that when i switched, Proton didn't exist yet.
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