
Is someone who only writes web (html, css) code a programmer/developer?

  • 9
    No programming language, definitely not a programmer
  • 3
    Web Developer. Not really a programmer without functionality.
  • 2
    Semi Frontend Developer
  • 3
    Just learn how to use jquery and call yourself a javascript developer

    No please, dont do this. But if you want to be a programmer, dont let javascript be your only intro to it! I recommend C or python because ive done the most with them over the years.
  • 2
    You need at least one programming language, not just markup.
  • 4
    Designer, not developer.

    (Though often designers don't know html well at all.)
  • 1
    Web designer.

    Nothing more. Not a developer and miles away from a programmer.
  • 1
    Not even a web developer. Just a designer.
    Because for web development you actually need functionality and programming languages.
    E.g. Typescript with angular2 framework.

    You recommend languages on the basis that you are used to them? That is a bit narrow minded, don't you think?
    Ever tried building a web application with C or python? For this you rather want to use Typescript or JavaScript.
    Choose the right tool for the job. Just because you have a hammer you cannot treat everything like it's a nail.
  • 0


    To me it seemed pretty obvious i was, tonge in cheek, giving biased advice but thanks for making it clear. Worst case he tries something new and learns something. Op wanted to know if was a programmer, so i thought id provide two examples of a language id consider a programming language.

    I do agree that, typescript, webpack, etc is great for spa. But ive made much of my money lately with django, though i have used nodejs for the websocket part. could use channels next time. I think python is a fine option for larger sites. C would be a nightmare but again, wanted op to see coding and not markup and not javascript.
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    Just for clarification: why exactly does using JavaScript not classify as coding for you?

    Python together with Django works quite well also, got to admit that. Although I don't like the workflow which is dictated by such techniques like Django or JSP.
    I think it is great if you can build your frontend completely independently from your Webserver. The only thing you need to take care of is that the API interface is clear and then you can even have one team for the whole frontend interface and one team for Webserver programming.
    If the Webserver builds your webpage in the fly then this distinction is not as easy anymore.
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    @DelError haha sorry didnt mean to wholly discredit javascript. I pick on javascript because its picked up easily but not easily understood. Callback hell, undefined, gloabl namespace pollution commonplace, etc. But its powerful and things like typescript seem to solve many of the language issues. I think a newcomer would learn more about computer science and programming picking up python and c. But again my experience teaching people programming vs web design is non existant so, biased advice indeed
  • 0
    Ha, no problem.
    From that point of view you are totally right. I would never recommend JavaScript to start programming. But to be honest, in general I would never recommend a loosely typed script language to a beginner.
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