

I'm building a complex software that computes stuff with advanced algorithms and linear programming. That kind of software that proved itself strong, but you know a bug discovery would be a disaster.

The client is a dick, always acting as a bully in every email.

Last email, writes me about a supposed error of the software, while of course complaining that the software is complete crap to ensure that I keep a positive attitude.

After some hours of trying to find the cause of the fucking problem, I realized that the software was actually right since the beginning.

I've replied explaining *why* the software says what it says (acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world). Waiting for a response.

I hope that moron will feel humiliated at least a little bit.

  • 14
    This kind of client acts aggressive and haughty so they can retain a sense of superiority and control in a situation they do not understand.

    Shaming them into confronting it (the way you did) sometimes works wonders. Sometimes... not so much.
  • 3
    @Autism420 ahahahah
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