
Was the discovery of Ajax also mindblowing for other web devs here ?

  • 2
    Kind of😅
  • 0
    Specially coming from MS, that was the major shock I think (at a time activex was all the rage)
  • 4
    No but socket.io (node) blew my mind!
  • 1
    @linuxxx absolutely! I was really impressed when I first tried websockets.
  • 1
    @linuxxx I didn't even know about ajax when I started using socket.io funny... I still don't know how to ajax
  • 3
    Good ole XHR. Opened up so many doors. Pages changing just pieces instead of reloading the whole thing was definitely pretty mind blowing at the time.
  • 1
    @linuxxx @Olverine yeah, when i first found out about websockets my mind was like so extremely blown.
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