
I work with a guy who is genius in his field, but doesn't have much ability outside of it, his view is we should all know what he knows and not bother him with bugs in his code we should fix the issues ourselves. Oh how the shoe was on the other foot when he needed help with a personal app.

  • 2
    That s bogus... Come on really? Geniuses don't have bugs. In this field, there are problem solvers and PMs, no geniuses and no one is perfect.
  • 1
    the only code with no bugs is the code that's never used
  • 1
    It's very hard to explain, the field he is respected for isn't directly programming but I wouldn't begin to understand his code either way
  • 1
    It sounds like he was the only one that could code in the company creating a sort of god complex.
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