Mom: "What's this thing?" *hands me her phone*
Me: *sees dialog saying something about com.google.gms or so draining battery with obvious okay button*
Me: "...just press Okay."

  • 9
    Look at the bright side, at least she stopped before doing something she couldn't be aware of.

    My mom literally taps buttons at random, causing diplomatic incidents on WhatsApp.
  • 5
    Just pressing ok, especially on websites and emails is what leads to malware getting installed.

    Don't be hard on her for being careful.
  • 0
    @samir It was obvious that it was a dialog by Samsungs shitty software.
  • 6
    My mother is that mother who clicks on online "Remove Virus" buttons.
  • 2
    Sometimes she also downloads "Flash Players". Like the ones that defenetly aren't flash players.

    Im Glad she has a mac.
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