While I haven't been officially hired for any UI dev jobs, there was one front-end position I was going for where the hiring manager viewed my programming test for the application process and just sort of gave me a "sorry, we're choosing not to move forward with you" email even though my code was simple and refractored. When I thanked him for the opportunity and asked for feedback he just kinda disappeared without a trace.

I understand that time is money and maybe they just didn't want to spend the time responding, but is this kinda thing normal?

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    A vast majority of the jobs I haven't gotten haven't given me the time of day about the process or what I did or didn't do right.

    That said, I've had a few who were extremely forthcoming, and even offered valuable advice and feedback. This latter camp was far and away the minority.

    I'd say, don't take it personally, the hiring manager is probably dealing with other applicants. He may get back to you once they've placed their dev, but there's no guarantee. It's tough, but the best thing you can do it just to assess your own performance, and always improve your knowledge, your experience, and don't forget the soft skills, like interviewing, and being personable. Culture fit is a huge deal, and a lot of great engineers get passed over for that reason.

    Only speaking from my own experience here, so take it with a grain of salt. Sorry for the bad luck, and here's to that luck changing soon.
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