Client: hey ***, happy birthday can you help me fixing....
Me thinking: hell no, i deal with yall fuckers 364 days a fucking year and yall can't leave me the hell alone for one cocksucking day. I need this one damn day a year not dealing with yall assholes where i don't snap and drive 300 fucking miles to not drive a nail in a broomstick and drive it up your fucking asdls

  • 0
    Lol for one cocksucking day xD ×× happy birthday dude.
  • 3
    Happy brithday dude, uh, can you come over? I was about to win an ipad and then my pc won't turn back on again... You studied computer science, right?
  • 0
    Happy birthday!!!!!!! Hope people eventually left you alone to spend time with which ever few souls don't annoy you merely by existing
  • 0
    Happy birthday, just turn your phone off and all will be well.
  • 1
    Happy age++
  • 2
    @StefanH people don't usually bug me on christmas, i don't have kids, and my parents were the kind of people that just sat around all day durring christmas. So i work just to have something to do instead of hearing that anoying as hell 'missing' tone of that show they play 24/7 until new years.

    But thank you for the birthday wishes everyone
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