
Ok so I've been working on this bug for the past four days, fucking non-stop. I wanted to fucking die, was wishing I could just "pkill -f mylife". I tried fucking everything, did what the documentation told me to, stack overflow, tried different versions of the API, read through more lines of documentation than lines in the bible, to no avail. Start comparing screenshots of error logs from the past four days, notice that I started getting a line saying that it's connecting to the config file in a different location from default. I realize that the config file does not match the config file provided by the package installed, so I switch it to the default location. IT FUCKING WORKED, I've tested it nearly 10 times now and I am still in disbelief. It was a rollercoaster of emotions fixing the bug but now I'm just smiling like a fool in my chair at work now.

  • 6
    If debugging a difficult bug isn't a rollercoaster, you're not doing it right.
  • 4
    I feel that debugging is more like a hunt

    Still have to understand if i am the hunter or the huntee
  • 2
    Never ever pursue a bug longer than a few hours. If you haven't found it, sit back, do something else, get a co-worker (or a rubber duck) and explain what you are doing.
    Most often you'll get to work the next day and find it within minutes then.
  • 0
    Always check the logs
  • 3
    "I tried fucking everything" I can't be the only one who read that wrong?
  • 1
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