Stop fucking asking people to create accounts before they can apply for jobs.

  • 5
    no. don't stop that.

    because that's a surefire way to eliminate garbage employers before wasting time on applying.
  • 1
    noooo we need your data so we can send you irrelevant job openings, useless newsletters and sell your data to whoever bids the highest.
  • 0
    @Sid2006 Ya. I'm usually pretty conscious about not giving my data. Not sign up if I could help it.

    But after my last round of job applications, I'm horrified by how many new companies have so much identifying info now.

    Not only do they have my email address AND phone number. They have my job history too.
  • 0
    Yeah, that's fucking cancer, and they all ask for so much personal information
  • 0
    the best part: even if it's the same backend aaS site, you have to re-register EVERY TIME!
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