Pi Project

It's pinging Google and measuring the response time every three seconds, then graphs the result on the LED SenseHat. It's graphing wifi stability.

  • 3
    Just wondering if I want a Pi, do I just buy the board for $30 or should get the kit?

  • 6
    @billgates Buy the board, a good charger and a good MiniSD, you don't need anything else. The SenseHat is really fun though, would recommend (10/10)
  • 2
    You also need an HDMI cable, mouse, and keyboard if you don't already have those. Just for initial setup
  • 1
    @200OK true, I assumed everyone (especially on this app) had those already.
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  • 0
    Can you do that with PiGlow too?
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm well not a spare one. Can the KB Mouse beconstantly attached or will run out of slots for other stuff like sensors, mic, etc?
  • 2
    Nice idea with the LED hat
    I’d add in bandwidth test as well, this is something I’ve been meaning to build for a while, see how reliable home internet is over time
  • 0
    @200OK You can just place a ssh file on the sd card, it activates ssh.
  • 1
    @vortexman100 true but only if you directly connect to the LAN and not wifi.
  • 0
    Any chance you're going to post this to GitHub or something? I would love to make this myself.
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