90% of c/c++ "lovers" whose favourite language is c/c++ apparently turns out it is the only language they have ever known.
Mermaid syndrome too strong amongst Indian Devs.

  • 0
    What's the mermaid syndrome
  • 15
    @amateur64 One of the explanation for mermaids is that (old) sailors because stay in water for long without women in sight, convince themselves that sealions are mermaids.
    This is what we do with things too. We convince ourselves that what we have is the best and magical thing withoyt exploring options.
    This is mermaid syndrome.
  • 12
    I think this is also the case for some JavaScript devs
  • 10
    Wah so I'm in 10% :D thanks :3 I learned C, C#(with mono too) , Java, Ocaml, Haskell, Asm and really few Html/Css/Php. But C++ is still by far the most open language that I know. I can move my architecture to a whole new level :p
  • 10
    @Celes *cough cough* Python *cough*
  • 1
    @shaji been there. I was that hahaha. Guilty as charged.
  • 0
    @shaji oh yes I learned python a little too I forgot that one x) and shell script too btw. Well this month I should be able to finish my little project, so you'll see what I mean by a different level :p
  • 0
    @Celes if swift ever gets proper bindings for java, and Qt support (or just Qt maybe?) I'll start learning that, until then, I like to poke around with C++
  • 1
    @inukinator Never tried apple languages, i prefer cross platform sorry :p anyway I was speaking about the language itself not the libraries ^^
  • 3
    I know several languages, can't tell which is my favourite though. Depends on what I'm trying to achieve. When developing desktop applications, C used to be a favourite, till I came across C++ which became my new favourite until I came across C#. Javascript is my favourite language when coding the client side of web applications, basically because it is - to my knowing - the *only* programming language for that purpose, which is natively supported by all modern web browsers.
  • 4
    I think C++ Devs are most likely to know other languages too.
    It's all about the best tool for the job, which in many cases (UI, utility, whip up quick, etc) is not C++.
    In my job I have to use many languages but I'd still say C++ is my fave.
    Swift is nice too.
  • 2
    I'll admit I m a c/c++ lover... But I do know other languages too... Not a whole tonne, but still.
    I simply love C/C++ for the pointers... It's just satisfying 😁😁
    I do feel a lot of times that I shud have used other languages coz creating code in C/C++ is soooo tedious!!

    Btw... I use C++ mainly. When m feeling adventurous, I go C 😂
  • 0
    awk is my favorite language
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