
Been trying to wrap my head around Vagrant, and Laravel... Man I feel dumb... 😩

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    Don't feel bad! It took me a while to get it up and running and another couple of weeks before I actually got productive with it. But now I am very happy I took the step ☺️
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    @tobbeboi I hope I can say the same in a few days!
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    true, some modern feameworks have a very tough learning curve. but it's exponential once u get the hang of it. you'd realize tough frameworks are very powerful.
    in my case it was cakePHP. took me 2-3 months, but now it's my main problem solver for almost anything
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    It took me a couple of days. After it was all setup I heard about Homestead, which a Vagrant box specifically configured for a Laravel project... Felt dumb for the rest of the day.
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    Try valet instead if you're on Mac
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    Don't. It took me a while too! Visit laracasts.com for help on that and many other basic stuff, in laravel.
    After going through the motions, you'll love it!
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    @amjo yeah, that's why I've been trying new stuff. I feel like I've stopped trying to "learn" at some point... :/
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    @beningreenjam ahahah I feel sorry for you x) that's what I've been trying to work with, homestead
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    @SithLord PC :/ but thanks
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    @fredrf Ohhh, I didn't realize they also had free stuff! I'm gonna check out "Laravel from Scratch". Thanks :)
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    @P3t3r6 great!! Dig in!!
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