
Imagine if you could anything you want to do right now other than working like play games, watch a film, or sleep. That's your goal.

But to get it, you have to finish your work as fast and as effective as possible. Didn't finish your work? Sorry, can't stop. Hustle it.

The sooner it's done, the sooner you can do whatever the fuck you want.

  • 0
    this would lead to the poorest of formatting, inefficient code bases, and more bugs then i could count with a while(true) loop
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    @C0D4 which leads to interrupted sleep, game and film experience. That's why it works if you can do it effectively first. #criticalcomputing
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    I work a contracted number of hours each day.
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    i think ill be staring at the wall regretting my choices to have this so called interrupted sleep
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