
So thanks for whoever pointed out my mistake with the “!” operator.

I tried to be devcool but i failed ;) but im allgood now!

Getting to the topic:

After scanning people's opinion here i have decided to learn C.

I have done js react and html css for the last year and have an okay grasp on it but i want to learn more.


-memory and ressources

Im a noob ant ive only scratched the surface. Im gonna be soon working on databases and backend java to master the functioning of a backoffice with its API and the handling of form and crud automisation (i probably am not using all the right words. I am learning and being told what to do).

Am i helping myself with C and if so any tutorial advice or good teaching resource that could be advised to me.

Thanks ;)

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    Hp yeah and im self teaching with support via internet of my smart friend!
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    Last question. Am i better of with python, C or C++ ???
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    Python has more practical market value at the moment. It teaches you to think in abstract data flows, even more so than JS.

    C looks good on a resume, but jobs requiring it are becoming rare. It teaches you about how machines handle data, how memory works, and about efficient iterative coding. It's fast, but large projects require a lot of testing and maintenance. It's a bit like a mechanical watch, it teaches you a lot and works beautifully, but it breaks easily if you sprinkle sand in the machine.

    The ultimate language for understanding language paradigms and the perfect marriage between object oriented principles and functional programming is Rust in my opinion, it has an incredible type system and memory safety without garbage collecting, and implements all the advanced features such as generics, optionals, pattern matching and lambdas in an elegant way. It's the perfect modern replacement for C and C++ — but near zero current market value there.

    Java, Swift and C# are probably the best object oriented languages to learn if you do not care about low level stuff or perfect efficiency, but just want a solid popular language with great real-world value. They're quite a bit easier to learn, but less suitable for security & systems programming.
  • 1
    Shit I think I did the ! mistake too
  • 1
    @Pizza yeah :) good thing ghe community is soft ;) on some other places you may have reconnected ;)
  • 0
    Not reconnected ;) my bad ;)
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