Like i always say

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    and Legends make the customers test it.
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    That guy was a joke. Let’s strap a gaming controller to a giant mechanical sea penis built by interns at NASA and trick people into paying 250k and wind up dead like that poor unsuspecting 19 year old kid who’s future was cut short bc of this scumbag.
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    No difference in shoving untested COVID vaccines
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    Billionaires are good people deep down
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    @kiki that's deep. Deeper than the deepest trenches. The ones where submarines vanish
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    @TeachMeCode I really don't understand the obsession with the "game controller" part.
    It's a controller. It's both designed and tested for controlling stuff. Most gamers use it far more extensively than a recreational sub and it's easy to have a spare.
    This is just looking for issues while there are so many real ones.
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    @hjk101 Supposedly that model frequently had stick drift and dropped connection issues. But yeah. I’d point more towards the inexperience of the crew (and firing their only competent engineer who told them it was a death trap), the bloody stupid decision to use a carbon fiber hull, and not having it certified for the depth they were taking it to.

    There were several other issues like having no redundancy, using a windows pc, making the thing the size of a sardine can for five people, a lack of a tether or any other mechanism to locate it, etc.
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    @Root you just gave me more info in 4 sentences than all the journalistic crap I've been forced to scroll past. If I'd use a controller it would be wired (optionally function wireless as well) and one of those hefty pro gamers ones.

    Read about many software problems. Guess the windows they were using is not the ones on battle subs.
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    @hjk101 I get all my news from the memes now 😅. It’s faster and more reliable than the news.
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