
I was thinking about using Drupal for project, just to try out a CMS. Before using it, I decided to search devRant for "drupal" to see how bad it is.

Nope, I am just going to use plain old VueJS with flexbox.

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    I can definitely relate with you on this 😂😂😂
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    @demortes fuck that shite mate. I used it previously and had a terrible experience. No fucking way I am going to use it again.
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    From what I've heard Drupal, aren't that bad after they rewrote the entire thing to use symfony, but I haven't used it myself
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    @No-one sorry I was testing some stuff in devRantron. Username with special characters wasn't working correctly.
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    @tahnik I used to hate wordpress but now that I've used it for a few months, it's useful to be honest. Unless you have a load of time to build a custom cms, or you're working on a really small project, Wordpress is pretty dope. It's WYSIWYG tools are kind of top notch, if you learn how to develop for them correctly.

    It's especially good for clients because most people have used wordpress before so you don't have to train them in adding content their own website.
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