
Ok, HP good job
minus the ram, what's missing here?

  • 2
    A battery?😁
  • 1
    Those, and a goddamn hard drive
    i don't know where it stores stuff
    @OnlyBytes @jAsE
  • 0
    It works on magic duh
  • 0
    I would try the thing with the Atzec/QR code.
  • 4
    That looks like a hp stream. The cheap ones have enclosed flash chips on the mainbord
  • 3
    @stop That is WiFi card (you can see two wires comnecting it to WiFi antenna).

    @nik123 It looks like a SSD sitting in M.2 connector. IIRC it doesn't have to use NVMe but it is a possible option.
  • 0
    dat color tho 😎
  • 0
    Could it be on the other side of the mobo? Probably an M.2 SSD, look from within the os what kind of memory it isπŸ˜…
  • 1
    I usually see them with a 32gb SSD that so slow. But it's a $250AU machine at the point
  • 0
    @tnnn I thought it could be it, because it looked large enough and the wifi card could behind it.
  • 0
    @Deadmeatgames that's what it is yes

    i want my sata drives though scream
    i cant switch it out
  • 1
    @Deadmeatgames 32gb WITHOUT all the windows 10 bullshitware that dims it down to < 10gb
  • 1
    @ParkCity it's a lovely 29.7 formatted then up to 20gb for windows and then office and then what other crap the students put on it. But then again it's a bottom feeder laptop. Compared to my elite books 840 g3
  • 0
    @Deadmeatgames my old notebook2000 works better than it does anyways - when i know i wont be using the stream for a while, i take out the ram and slip it into the second available slot on the notebook2000
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