
Is it very hard to convert mongoose, express code to mysql, php? Could anybody give a few tips on pages routing and saving to db with php?

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    The real question is why would you ever want to convert JS to PHP 😶
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    @Froot client hosts their website on a platform that supports only php. :)
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    @Zyberg Ah that explains it.
    But how did it work before then? Or did they switch hosting?
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    @Froot well, that is how I fucked up. I made a rough sketch-visualization and got so carried away that 80% of work has been done. I have never really touched php, so I am a little bit anxious now :/
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    @Zyberg I can suggest Laravel, routing and database things are really easy.
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    @Codex404 that is gold! Thank you very much!
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    @Zyberg if you got any questions I can help. If you use discord one of my rants has a link to an unofficial devRant discord. Easier to help you from there.
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