
Really excited to learn Electron.js! I'm even opening devRant using devRantron on my computer right now, such a cool project!

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    Thinking deeply about it and looking at the bigger picture, Electron seems absurd to me.
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    @kpenc why so?
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    I am a newb who is using redux yet it seems that flux is popularly used nowadays.

    For using both redux and electron , I have to use something called electron-redux.

    Really challenging for beginner like me :/
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    @kpenc electron to me looks wonderful . Why it's absurd for u ?
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    @Jop- why is opening chrome absurd? Its a great browser and someone made it that you could make desktop app with web knowledge
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    @Jop- sorry, don't see your point.
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    @Jop- don't see why that should make me stop using it. If everyone stops using it, no one will ever fix it because no one uses it.
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    @Jop- and the issue didn't bother me, so I'll continue to enjoy apps made with it.
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    @Jop- I have at least 3 open right now, no issue. I've had five up at once before. All while chrome has 10 tabs open at least at all times.
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    @Jop- yeah but that what makes it different from the actual browser, if it had tabs then whats the difference?
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    @Jop- you said that its just chrome with separate windows open right and putting a tab would be great? But that just makes it look like a browser and not a proper desktop environment feel.
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    Additionally, this isn't just chrome here. Each electron app can include c++ code that does other things. They keep them separate because it can be specialized. I really don't get your point.
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    Living in 2017, having all that hardware power and using Electron apps which makes you pc slow and are themselves slow is the most absurd thing to me.
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    @kpenc So what is the alternative for electron that can be used according to u ?
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    @kpenc well its still developing, maybe the technology will be better then
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    @Jop- every framework has it's problem. We tried to use JavaFX for this project and you know it. Optimizing a simple sidebar took a long time for us. Electron is becoming really popular and a lot of big companies are starting to use it. Surely they will do something about the shared runtime soon.

    @savethecode go ahead and learn it. Knowledge is never wasted. It doesn't take that long to learn Electron anyway. Most of the time you will end up searching docs.
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    @Jop- I came back home for holiday. Here I am running devRantron and Slack all the time in my pc which has a pentium g4500 and 8GB ram and I never had a problem where my pc ran out of memory.

    It's 2017 and OS knows very well how to optimize the memory when an app is being used in the background. Unless you are tooking at your task manager all the time, you should not have to worry about ram. Personally I am only concerned about the fact that every electron app opens a new chrome instances rather than sharing the existing ones.

    "interface lag in certain occasions is still better than extreme RAM usage" - Would you have free memory being wasted rather than a lag free interface? Why?

    And I don't think Electron will stay forever either. Frameworks come and go. It's the nature of it. But surely it will stay for at least another 1-2 years.

    I have used QT in my workplace and I know it very well. The problem is that getting an open source C++ developer is hard. Because it's JS a lot of devs from devRant can contribute to it. and React development is still way faster than QT.
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    @Jop- you seem to be more concered with ram usage. It will still be high even if they are sharing instances (like tabs).

    But yeah, I get what you are saying.
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    @Jop- it's already become "legitimate."
    Fucking Spotify, a massive successful company, uses it. Slack uses it. Discord uses it. I don't know how you measure legitimacy, but it passes my tests.
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    @Jop- yeah I can confirm I don't care about my users.
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    @Jop- maybe I should stop coding and actually read your comments carefully haha 😌
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