I just almost fucked up our database. Thank fuck I misspelled a table name. Noone will ever know.

  • 6
    When the second mistake fix the first one
  • 0
    Now we know...
  • 2
    Some people tell that, "you know that one time at bandcamp..." story.

    You tell the, "you know that one time I nearly fucked up a database..." tale.

    If I had kids, and they told the latter, I would be proud.

    On a more serious note, databases are relentless, they show no mercy. One little mistake, and your ass is on the "you're fucked proverbial orgy block".
  • 3
    I know what you (nearly) did, Paul... There is nothing I don't know about you...
  • 0
    I like when our mistakes save our other mistakes
  • 0
    Dayumm Neo way to be, keep dodgin them bullets boi!! 😂
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