They really need one..

  • 1
    @ostream and minesweeper
  • 1
    In College I used MS Paint to participate in Math Tutoring everyone hated me
  • 1
    @jackpearce imagine if they liked it....👽👽👽👽
  • 0
    @ostream i think the minds of ms paint dev team should be preserved for their creativity and imagination.....
  • 2
    That's a pretty good ad.
  • 0
    @ostream amen.

    i think there was a website, that just imitates the XP Version of paint.

    Edit: nvm it's the Win98 Version, but arguibly it never changed until win7 or so.
  • 2
    I mean. Clear. Straight to the point. I'd honestly contact them if I did graphics.
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