I'm so mixed about i3... On the one hand, it makes me focus a lot better on my work, on the other hand it's extremely ugly, sometimes a bit inconvenient (taking screenshots), and I don't wanna spend the time to make it look nice. Any suggestions? What window managers are you using?

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    @mrtnrdl any recommendations for that? I tried two, but i3 always detected some errors with them.
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    @bthrsmynmbr dotshare have a good collection I think (the biggest I know at least)
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    I use i3 with rofi, polybar and compton :)
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    I somehow had problems installing i3-gaps. The "make" command never works, says something like there is no rule to make a target. Sorry, very noobish to that stuff. I never was the design kind of guy, I usually don't give a shit about how my OS looks.
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    I use i3 and mine is beautiful.
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    @bthrsmynmbr use your package manager if you want i3 gaps
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    I3 is not there to look beautiful. It's there to manage windows. What you put there is your imagination. I am using it with conky but real power i3 shows on at least 6 monitors.
    If you want something more user friendly and cute try awesome for example. It has some options to make it nicer a bit
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