
Can people here please stop making up things 'they did as a kid' and then calling themselves badass!?

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    @ewpratten yours was an instruction, so I assume that it works, but there are so many stories that clearly never happened.
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    I didn’t make up mine.
    It’s way to simple to be made up.
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    I still am a kid. It happened a few months ago.
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    I programmed a compiler when I was only in 7th grade.

    GITHUB: https://github.com/MaximilianJugend...

    I am currently programming a chess engine that doesnt brute-force but rather understands chess.

    GITHUB (if you want to contribute, contact me micraftn-gaming on skype)


    Proof enough?? xD

    No, im just writing this, so you see that kids arent as stupid as often thought :/

    Kids often are much better at specific tasks, because they think outside the box and arent restricted by theoretical restraints. If you know that something is very hard / impossible, you wont even try to create it.
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    @linuxer4fun yes! I took an entirely different approach to AI (at least I think it’s different, mostly because I don’t understand the ones we have already) and it’s working pretty well. I might even attempt to make a language intended for creating artificial intelligence.
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    @calmyourtities if you need my help in the assembler / parser part, ask me! We could do a jugend-forscht project together so we will meet on the day of competition ;)

    But net now, rather in two-three yearl, when the engine has come out the alpha state
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    @linuxer4fun should I start by trying to write a translator that translates C into assembly? Lately I’ve been doing some raspberry pi projects
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    @calmyourtities wow wow wow! A tranlator from c to assembler is a compiler! First, learn assembler, then, build a lexer/parser you can always look at my compiler, because thats esentially what it does: make Code into assembly
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    @linuxer4fun so after assembly it goes straight to binary right?
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    @calmyourtities well in my compiler, i let it be assembled by the gnu assembler and the gnu linker. You thecnically could program those too, but thats alot of buttpain
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    @linuxer4fun haha okay
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    I coloured in a spooderman once, needless to say hence forth i was known to the code gods and my name carved into the stone for all to remember.
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