
Been writing some Python apps for the last weeks and I really enjoy the language. I got all the basic stuff down but not sure how to progress to learn the more advanced stuff. What even is advanced stuff in Python and where can I find information about it?

I'm thinking about creating an API, any advanced techniques I could benefit or use for that?

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    Testing, logging, and argparsing are topics I wish I had learned earlier. The Requests library is very useful for doing stuff on the web. Django and its REST framework can be used to build a web server and API with python. You won't need to learn any js for core functionality, but I've heard it's compatible with a lot of frameworks.
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    Also, you should learn some GUI stuff so you can make quick and dirty scripts that non-techs can see and use.
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    Not sure how much u learnt.. but if u haven't covered OOPS in Python.. do it.. all major python libraries follow oops.. it will be helpful for ur long term too.. to learn more, u can try designing a flask like micro web framework.. or convert popular applications from other applications..
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    @chadd17 Will look into those topics, thank you.

    @github OOP I know, but I'd rather try to stay away from going full OOP. Thank you for your reply.
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    I'm not sure what counts as 'advanced' either. Some ideas might be:
    -GUI stuff

    There are plenty of rabbit holes in each of those topics.
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    Not exactly advanced, but just some nifty stuff -

    List comprehension
    Set data type
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    Check this out he dubs it as intermediate but I found that it has more advanced material than most online resources https://github.com/yasoob/...
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    @simeg advanced stuff would be decorators, meta classes and python's c API. Also, learn the standard library - someone mentioned django for REST APIs, you can do the very same in 30 lines of code using the standard lib. Check out the python cookbook and fluent python (both oreilly books), they should help you get into the depths of py.
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