
Soon, Firefox will be the only viable browser. Google cracks down on adblockers with manifest v3, and all Chromium-based browsers are soon to follow, involuntarily so. Safari won't, but you can't make a Safari extension as easily.
Mozilla stated Firefox won't support manifest v3. This means adblockers will remain functional.

There is a fourth player though — Nyxt. They use WebKit, but they support Chromium-like extensions. Nyxt is built in Lisp and C. But Nyxt is an unorthodox browser to say the least.

  • 4
    wont support v3? Pretty sure FF already supports it, it said it "might not" remove support for v2 if I remember right
  • 1
    There’s also Orion (WebKit with Chrome + Firefox extensions), which is only for Mac currently, but coming to Linux at some point.
  • 1
    Will this also apply to Brave browser? Highly doubt it will. YouTube videos without ads is THE shit.
  • 1
    @Sid2006 pretty sure google will make everything to make future "good" modifications of chromium as complex and hard as possible
  • 5
    @iiii our side's faults for getting a hard-on for everything google slapped their stickers on
    google needs to be dethroned and dismantled, before their monopoly begins shaping what can and cannot do on the internet
  • 1
    @azuredivay or a hard chromium fork should be made with only security patches being ported over from mainstream
  • 1
    @iiii Eloston Chromium is such a fork, been using it for 2 years now over homebrew on macOS and over snap on Linux
  • 2
    @possum @iiii or fork firefox, it's open source as chromium too (the engine), chromium doesnt NEED to be the only choice
  • 0
    @azuredivay also an option. But chromium engine is in fact faster than gecko (or whatever it is in Firefox nowadays), so most prefer it because of that.
  • 0
    @Nanos it's a Firefox fork
  • 3
    All hail Firefox, some of us remember the Messiah that delivered us from the grasp of the Internet Explorer. Now the chromium internet monoculture has risen and we shall once again call upon you.
  • 0
    @iiii is it though. I remember only having performance issues on Google sites. Nothing noticeable beyond shit that only works on chrome. Most benchmarks only check for specific v8 stuff, and yes that is fast as it gets. Very nice for election crap etc. But not that relevant for actual browser usage, give or take an edge case.
  • 1
    @hjk101 JavaScript heavy stuff is definitely faster in chromium than in Firefox engine. And most popular web platforms are quite JavaScript heavy. There is a noticeable difference but not a deal breaking one, imo.
  • 0
    Google has a giant problem with their Trueview Ads.

    Resolving this will kill off large chunks of ads served(all the ads served over adsense/doubleclick).

    So i would be worried about everything else, it will come down sooner than later also, as costs have to be cut.
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