you might think that windows updates are painful but this piece of shit has been like this for an hour JUST LET ME FUCKING DEPLOY

  • 10
    I feel your pain. I had accidentally used an USB 1.0 cable once.
  • 2
    I once used a firmware for the dual sim edition of my phone accidentally. One day of work.


    After that I found the right firmware and fixed it but.. huuh.... worrrrkkk
  • 1
    @trilleplay not at google
  • 1
    At least your phone warned you about that and waited for you to respond. 😒
  • 3
    Seems like a really old android version. What version is it?
  • 1
    Samsung updates are always slow to install. Never had this issue when updating Sony nor LG phones
  • 2
    @Froot 6.0.1, but i cooked api25 into it
  • 1
    My sony is bugging me like a year with some Update, and i nees to click cancel, no, cancel 3-4 times a day. Hate this shit
  • 3
    Lineage OS ftw, 5 minutes of OTA updating and everything is fine.
  • 1
    Disable the app responsible for the notification?
  • 2
    @Salmakis Or if it's OS update then why on earth are you ignoring it? 😵
  • 3
    @dontbeevil Yep
    Never understood why people ignore updates. It's like they want buggy software full of known security holes
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