
Anyone here playing Egg, Inc?

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    Played one 20 years ago. It was a flash game
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    Yes I did a few months ago. And a few years before that.
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    Working towards all the trophies at the moment
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    Nah, 7 Days to Die eats up _all_ my gaming time now.
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    I install this game every October and play for a month and uninstall it. I started this routine back in 2020 when i was going through something on that month. It is already 3 years
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    Is anyone getting time for all this?
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    @Aquagraphite wow!
    Today was quite an event
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    @Nanos emulator
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    @Nanos bud, what do you do for living?
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    I like Cookie Clicker more.
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    It is time to install Eggs.inc . Almost October babyyyy
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    @sandeepbalan since this post I unlocked enlightenment, cracked 7M GE piggy on sale, got into trillions of SE and waiting for tomorrow’s double prestige to get into quadrillions. I reached cornish hen spaceship, got AA contract rating, bought hyperloop and maxed out epic research that mattered. Oh, and I also bought suburbia shell pack without paying for tickets
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    @kiki Most of the stuff you said flew over my head, by the way.

    I also bought Hyperloop. I am currently in a terraform egg. I have 14 eggs of prophecy. Current mystical eggs: 6,674,292,675

    I reached quintillion chicken spaceship

    Anyway, it is time to uninstall the game. See you next year!
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    @sandeepbalan in the meantime, I collected all diamond trophies except for edible, superfood and enlightenment, unlocked enlightenment, flew henerprise multiple times, have 2 quadrillions soul eggs and 48 eggs of prophecy. No cheats
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