
Do you build some eastereggs into your homepages / apps?

When you press F + U + C + K together on my newest creation you get something like this :-D

  • 21
    Not yet, but now you have awaken my inner devil 😈 ...
  • 11
    Not till now... not till now😈.
  • 28
    Is easter egg the new term for 'backdoor'?

    I once left an 'easter egg' in a public facing web service which allowed me access to send emails using the company's Exchange server.
    In the event of my firing (which at the time, I was on thin ice...long story) I was going to send 'Everyone' a well documented history of the unethical behavior of the department manager (bullying, fraudulent activities, bad hygiene, etc) . The best part is the message would look like it came from the system exchange account and would take them a long time to figure out where they were coming from. Admins were...um...how do I say this nicely?...not diligent about their job.
    I almost allowed myself to run dynamic sql against the production database ('delete dbo.Customer' anyone?), but I liked the DBAs I worked with too much to do that. Why punish them?

    Took longer than it should have, but he was eventually fired for the bullying and other fraudulent behavior, so I never had to pull that cord.
  • 15
    When I make websites they look like that without pressing F U C K
  • 2
    This looks more like what the client usually wants when he says "innovative design" 😉
  • 2
    Wait, your easter is to make your website look like my undergrad game design project?
  • 1
    yeah, it realy does't luck any better without fuck... It is the page of an Architect that at all cost wanted to design de page by himself... I think he does not know what a "modern" page looks like xD
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