"Do not indent HTML files."

- From a Junior High classmate of mine who claims he is a computer wizard[this was many years ago]

  • 11
    Because fuck readabilty, right?
  • 4
    @jAsE That's why templating engines are so awesome.

    These days, none of my HTML files (well, components) is more than 4-5 indents, or more than 30 lines.
  • 2

    I used to do most web development in Haskell, because our whole application infrastructure was written in Haskell (Yesod, InfluxDB, Acid-state, GPipe/OpenCL). So I've used and contributed quite a bit to the Hamlet/Cassius/Julius templating engines.

    I've used Django in Python, and Haml in Ruby. As much as I like Python, I couldn't get used to it for webdev.

    Professionally, I use Twig & Blade a lot for PHP backend heavy websites. I slightly prefer Blade.

    The various JS frameworks (React/Vue/Angular) are all kind of built around templating themselves, but I prefer going "light frontend". A sprinkle of native JS for presentation, with a blazing fast backend, because fuck heavy SPA shit.

    Go has the basic & functional text/template and html/template packages built-in, and the powerful Hugo framework on top. I'm currently working on two platforms in Go.

    I've used Twig and Handlebars in Rust just to play around, but Rust is currently even more painful for webdev than Haskell.
  • 0
    Many years ago he was wizard ?
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