Yay, life's picked up, feeling better about everything.

My mate fucks up my bike beyond the point of no return, and it's my only transport for interviews.

I'm going to rip his knees apart with a knife then shoot myself

  • 0
    You sound like a bit of an angry fellow. Are you ok?
  • 0
    @lydeking ok? I got fired from my job while in huge debt due to not working hard enough (i was the only one not talking constantly), my letting agency keep on taking money despite it throwing me further into debt, my only transport has been destroyed, my family hate me, I've just been diagnosed with a plethora of mental illnesses making work harder to find, and my head is constantly screaming. No, I'm not ok.

    I'm only 18 and I've already tried killing myself and my friends multiple times because i feel like I'm constantly in a bad dream. Fml i hate this world.
  • 1
    @DucksCanCode Are you better now? I'm worried.
  • 2
    @PrivateGER thank you for your concern. I'm fine now, I just have low points when life throws a turd in my face.
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