Dev trend I think will pass?

Creating new frameworks on this dumpster fire of a language we call JavaScript.

  • 9
    20 years from now a new scripting language called: OxidationScript will emerge. It will be the new Javascript. It will promise to fix all problems. Anytime a Javascript problem is presented zealots will say: rewrite it in OxidationScript.
  • 2
    @Demolishun you already working on it?
  • 8
    The world needs to leave ECMAScript behind and instead focus on WASM.

    If done properly it doesn't matter anymore, in which language webstuff has been written in, and it can be incorporated into all kinds of workflows.

    And don't come at me with "But the DOM!!".
    I don't care; This is a solvable problem, that will be fixed one way or another.

    Unfortunately this will stay a fantasy for now, since there are enough people out there, who somehow believe, using js in the first place is a good idea.
  • 4
    @We3D I hope I don't have to computer in 20 years. So tired of some of this shit.
  • 1
    @Demolishun tell me about it...
  • 2
    @thebiochemic wait, can Rust compile to WASM yet?
  • 1
    I would expect that trend exactly be the one to stay. Js is here to stay and as long as it stays someone will create new application frameworks.
  • 2
    I gave up. I have embraced it and took a renewed plunge into webpack, vite, and solidjs.
    It hurts less when I just accept it.
    At least I can keep the beast only in the front end, where it cannot hurt anyone else.
  • 3
    @Demolishun i just looked it up, apparently thanks to Emscripten, since it's LLVM Supported.

    Also works with C Family, .NET Languages, C#, Python, JVM Languages and even fucking js, because frankly enough js transpiled to WASM is faster than js by itself.

    There is also the push of implementing standard web packages that go alongside with it, to have stuff like DOM with it, and so far proxy functions need to be used. But as i said, shit like that will find a solution, one way or another.
  • 2
    This is what should happen. But I’m afraid it won’t.
  • 5
    Nah that shit'll keep on burning
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