

I am new to this "vim" thing, should I use the "original" or am I making sins by using vim emulation on VS code ?

  • 1
    I like to use the vanilla Vim because all of my other tools (local server, git, ctags, prospector, grep) are also in my terminal. It's just easier to switch between them when that way.

    But if you don't want to spend time learning other CLI tools that will help you do your job, you're better off with VS Code where the tools are included and easy to use.
  • 5
    Tmux + vim = love
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    Keep an open mind, try all available options, use whatever works best with your workflow. Don't get into a pissing contest with purists, you're the one who is doing your work, not them.

    I think you are best to start with vanilla vim so you can see what vim-modes are aiming for and be familiar with the basic functionality before you start playing with plugins.

    Try to be able to do all this before you significantly change your vim environment: http://yannesposito.com/Scratch/en/...

    vimcasts.org is great for learning fundamentals.

    Don't learn too much at once. Learn one thing a week and integrate that fully into your workflow before moving on to the next learning.

    Be ready to accept a fall in productivity while you learn, probably for some months. Hopefully you'll see an overall raise in productivity at the end.
  • 3
    If you want to learn all the "vim tricks" and you like the terminal, I would use vanilla vim. VSCodeVIM is great, but when I used it, there was a lot of stuff missing from it that I really needed. For instance, block mode editing is not very well implemented, and there is no command history for : commands. Eventually, its up to you to decide what works best for you though! VSCode has a lot of features that make up for functionalities that VSCodeVIM hasn't implemented yet :)

    Ps: one last tip, swapping my caps lock key with the escape key is probably the best decision I ever made 😜
  • 1
    that caps thing really hit me ._. @bashlord
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