
AI robots are sexist and racist, experts warn

That's really really weird

  • 1
    Why? They're based on humans.
  • 0
    Microsofts chatbot Tay was turned into racist and nazi last year by 4chan users.
  • 4
    Stop anthropomorphising them.
    It's the same thing as saying: "That algorithm is bigoted!"

    Which is just stupid.

    The training sets may need to be reevaluated, or the algorithm itself may be unbalanced, but the bots themselves are mindlessly carrying out an instruction set.
  • 1
    You cant call them AI then...
  • 0
    Oh I get it! "Its not us who decided that you are not fit for the job mary, it's that darn pesky ol' AI recruiter we have installed... oh well better luck next time..." wink* wink*
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